A Confident Heart ~ Week 2, Day 2

Assignment for Tuesday (9/27/11)  ~ Write the memory verse on index cards and post them.  Journal your thoughts about 1 John 4:16.  What does love mean to you?  Visit Melissa’s Blog.

God is love.  Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in him ~ 1 John 4:16

What does love mean to me?  I looked up love in the dictionary and just as I thought, there were lots of definitions. 

  • What I found interesting was in #4 the definition listed stated:  unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. 
  • Subsection B stated:  a person’s adoration of God. 
  • #5 stated:  God or personification of love.

So even Merriam-Webster believes what 1 John 4:16 states “God is love”

I think there are probably many answers to this question, some depend on what age you are, where you are in your life’s journey and in your journey with God.  It will vary depending on what is going on in your life – if you are having heartache or you in the midst of many blessings.

What does love mean to me – it means laughter, sharing special memories, stolen moments, growing old together, the flooding of your heart when you hold your child for the first time, the way your day is better when the love of your life says your name….

Love also means tears, forgiveness, giving of yourself to others, helping someone carry their burdens, letting go, wanting more for others then you want for yourself, sacrifice, it means to humble one’s self and to accept the grace offered from Jesus’ Precious Sacrifice and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Side note from my morning:  As I was washing dishes before work this morning, random thoughts were playing through my head – one stopped me cold – I almost dropped my favorite coffee cup. 

What value do I have?

That’s what stopped me, I was thinking “what value do I have?”  See throughout my life story something that’s not fully seen is the way I sought approval and validation.  The things I did were done because I loved the people in my life, so the intention was good but the motivation behind it was always to gain love and approval.  From extravagant birthday, Christmas and just because gifts to keeping our house spotless and doing everything for everyone.  I didn’t want help with the cooking, cleaning or laundry, etc. because that’s where I felt I had the chance to show how much I was needed.  Yet, at the same time when I didn’t get the feedback I was craving, I played the martyr and then resented everyone, including myself. 

Over the years I have let go of most of that but I still ave days when I fall back into that mode, especially when my husband has no clothes and has to do a load of laundry b/c I have forgotten to do laundry.  I start feeling like a horrible wife, I imagine him judging me, I feel worthless.  So when that question went through my mind.  I stopped and asked God “what value do I have?” If everything through my life has been based on faulty thinking – what is my value to my family, friends, coworkers, and You?  And why does it still bother me to admit and accept I need help?  Who am I LORD? 

LORD show me who I am in You, help me to know that my value is in being Your daughter and that I do have something meaningful to offer to people — I don’t know what it is, but You do.  Help me to let go of the perfectionism and the procrastination, it’s either one or the other.  Help me to look to You for complete fulfillment and let my heart and soul overflow with Your love so much that it touches everyone I meet, so that they know You.  In Jesus’ Name ~ AMEN.

2 thoughts on “A Confident Heart ~ Week 2, Day 2

  1. This study has been so amazing. Going thru heartbreak has made the subject of “love” different for me than in years before. Love now immediately means God’s Love to me. Spousal love has been so disappointing and damaging to me. God has nearly reached down and held me at times. He seems to “carry “me often. Our value is definitely from God who made us all so unique. Love your openness!

  2. For years I have tried to earnthe love of others through doing things that I thought would make them love me. I even felt I had to follow certain guidelines to earn God’s love. But just recently I finally came to understand God’s love canot be earned. It is a gift. I do not have to check off a list of do’s and don’ts anymore. I am learning that the more I seek Him the more I find Him. As for people I am still working on this one. Everyone longs to be loved and accepted for who they are and not what others think they should be. I guess this is why I have such a heart for people who just long to be accepted. But I am improving! I have got to check into the book you read from on your vlog today. God bless!

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