Yes To God

Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study ~ “What Happens When Women Say to God” by Lysa TerKeurst

This weeks blog topic I choose was number 4. #yestoGod. Share a time you caught a “glimpse of eternity” as you said yes to what God was asking you to do.

I can totally relate to Lysa’s hesitation when God asked her to give her Bible away. I remember the day God asked me to give away something just as precious to me. As I was praying the Rosary for a dear friend who needed some serious prayers for her child, I had the sense God asking me to not just pray for her but to GIVE her my Rosary.

I argued with God saying “she’s not Catholic!” But the more I prayed for her the more I KNEW I was supposed to give it to her. So I finished praying, loving packaged the Rosary up to mail, all the while thinking “I have had this Rosary forever, it has been with me through every one of my son’s hospital stays; every prayer for my marriage, my children; it was a comfort to me as I grieved the death of my mom; every tear I cried over my son and the setbacks; it was a comfort to me during the times I prayed over the uncertain future of my son.”

I teared up as I handed it over the post office counter. Afterwards, I stopped into the Catholic store and bought me a new Rosary. Walking back to my office with my new Rosary in hand I thought “really God?” and then I heard a whisper “new Rosary – new chapter!” I paused to think about that and it was true, I was entering a new chapter. My son had not been hospitalized in over a year and even though he wasn’t able to live on his own, he had just moved into an independent living home and was doing remarkably well – all my prayers were being answered. As I thanked God for that, I heard another whisper “Your old Rosary was passed on to another mama who knows the heartaches and tears of an unknown future of her child.” I bowed my head in awe and thanked Him once again.

Who was I to argue with God and His plans? Whatever God says do, do it!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6



16 thoughts on “Yes To God

  1. What a precious post, Veronica. Sometimes God does ask us to sacrifice and to do the hard thing. But His great promise for us is that blessings always follow obedience. Thank you for reminding me of this today!!

    Love you,


  2. What a beautiful gift she received Veronica. When I read that God asked you to give your Rosary to this other woman, I smiled. Not because you had to give something away but because I envisioned this woman being surrounded by a field of Angels. Because your Rosary was full of prayers of healing, comfort, strength praise, and love that were answered by God. Now this woman has those wonderful things at her fingertips. Not only did you give her your Rosary, you have given he a piece of your prayerful heart.

  3. okay girl you brought tears to my eyes. what a blessing you were and how good is the Lord – a new chapter a new rosary. now the woman you shared your old rosary with will have all the blessings of all those prayers you prayed on it. i love you hun. thank you for sharing this.

  4. Veronica that just went to the core of my heart and I could visualize and see the struggle and the pain in that moment but also the joy as you gave up something so precious to another Mom who needed it at that moment in time, in her journey and struggles, whose heart was aching facing the unknown. God set it upon your heart to hear Him speak and say “Yes to God” and for you to see the beginning of a new chapter in your life’s journey. Thanks for sharing the time you caught a “glimpse of eternity”
    Love you my friend
    Marilyn (OBS Small Group Leader )

  5. What a beautiful post filled with emotion that brought tears to my eyes also. What a blessing you were to that new mom. Maybe like Lysa’s bible, it will come back to you. Hugs!

  6. What an amazing write up. I am truly amazed how everyone has a story, yet we all have one thing in common saying yes to the Lord! It’s amazing to see how we all have similar thoughts in yet such different ways! Following your blog via the blog hop, hope you can stop by my page! =)

  7. Love your thoughts, thank you for sharing! Ever since I read the first chapter of Lisa’s book, I’ve actually carried one of my Bible’s (a smaller one) in my purse. I love her testimony and pray one day God will bless me with a similar scenario, like with your Rosary! Awesome!!
    God Bless 🙂

  8. Veronica your blog always blesses me. Thank you once again for sharing your heart.
    Bless you

  9. What a lovely way that God used you to bless another through your gift, but also through your prayers and testimony of how God brought you through a difficult time. Thanks for sharing!

  10. You were God’s touch on this lady’s heart, and in her life, Veronica, and I know you too were blessed by giving sacrificially to her. Your generous spirit is truly evidence of God’s love in this world! Blessings, friend!

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